8 Fruits That Can Cause Bloating In Summers

Producer:  Shreeja Bhattacharya

Watermelon, while hydrating, can lead to bloating due to its high water and sugar content.

Apples, especially raw, contain sorbitol and fibre, which can be difficult to digest.

Cherries, rich in fibre and natural sugars, can ferment in the gut, causing gas.

Pears, similar to apples, contain sorbitol and fibre that may lead to bloating.

Mangoes, delicious but high in fibre and natural sugars, can cause digestive discomfort.

Peaches, with their high sugar and sorbitol content, may contribute to bloating.

Pineapples, containing bromelain, an enzyme that can cause stomach irritation and bloating.

Bananas, despite their many benefits, can cause bloating in some due to their high fibre content.