8 fruits to grow in your garden this monsoon

Guava:  Guava trees thrive in the monsoon, producing sweet, nutritious fruits that are easy to grow.

Papaya:  Papaya grows quickly and loves the rainy season, offering a tropical treat straight from your garden. 

Banana:  Banana plants flourish in the monsoon, providing a bountiful harvest of delicious and energy-rich fruit.  

Pineapple: Pineapples can be successfully grown during the monsoon, adding a tangy twist to your garden produce.

Mango:  Start mango trees in the monsoon to enjoy juicy, sweet fruits in the future seasons.

Pomegranate: Pomegranates thrive in monsoon conditions, producing vibrant, health-boosting fruits in your backyard.

Lemon:  Lemon trees enjoy the monsoon, offering a continuous supply of tangy fruits for culinary uses.

Jackfruit:  Jackfruit plants grow well in the rainy season, producing large, nutritious fruits with a unique flavour.

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