8 Gen-Z Dating Terms You Probably Don’t Know

Producer: Priyanka Das Editor: Aparna Singh

Navigating the dating scene can be complex, especially with the evolving terminology used by Gen Z. Here's a list of common Gen-Z dating terms to help you understand the modern dating landscape.

Navigating the dating scene can be complex, especially with the evolving terminology used by Gen Z. Here's a list of common Gen-Z dating terms to help you understand the modern dating landscape.

Dry Dating:

Dry dating refers to couples meeting casually without the influence of alcohol. The focus is on meaningful conversations and genuine connections, making it an important aspect of modern dating.

Navigating the dating scene can be complex, especially with the evolving terminology used by Gen Z. Here's a list of common Gen-Z dating terms to help you understand the modern dating landscape.


A situationship is a relationship where one partner seeks only physical intimacy without emotional commitment. This often leads to a delusional dynamic where the other partner may hope for more, resulting in confusion and potential heartbreak.

Navigating the dating scene can be complex, especially with the evolving terminology used by Gen Z. Here's a list of common Gen-Z dating terms to help you understand the modern dating landscape.


Benching occurs when someone keeps their romantic options open. They might stay in a relationship but also maintain other potential partners on the side, just in case the current relationship doesn’t work out.

Navigating the dating scene can be complex, especially with the evolving terminology used by Gen Z. Here's a list of common Gen-Z dating terms to help you understand the modern dating landscape.


In breadcrumbing, one partner gives the other just enough attention to keep them interested but not enough to truly value them. This behavior is manipulative and often leaves the other person feeling insulted and unimportant.

Navigating the dating scene can be complex, especially with the evolving terminology used by Gen Z. Here's a list of common Gen-Z dating terms to help you understand the modern dating landscape.


Ghosting is when someone suddenly stops all communication without explanation. They might be very attentive one day and then disappear for weeks or months, leaving the other person confused and hurt.

Navigating the dating scene can be complex, especially with the evolving terminology used by Gen Z. Here's a list of common Gen-Z dating terms to help you understand the modern dating landscape.

Love Bombing:

Love bombing involves showering a new partner with excessive attention, gifts, and time at the beginning of a relationship. However, once the honeymoon phase ends, the love bomber often loses interest and becomes distant, leaving the other person feeling used.

Navigating the dating scene can be complex, especially with the evolving terminology used by Gen Z. Here's a list of common Gen-Z dating terms to help you understand the modern dating landscape.


Rizz refers to someone who brags excessively about their looks and charm, believing they can attract anyone. However, this is often just empty boasting and doesn’t reflect their true ability to form genuine connections.

Navigating the dating scene can be complex, especially with the evolving terminology used by Gen Z. Here's a list of common Gen-Z dating terms to help you understand the modern dating landscape.


Zombieing is when someone who previously ghosted you reappears out of the blue, wanting to reconnect. This can become a pattern, leading to a cycle of hope and disappointment. It’s important to confront this behavior and set clear boundaries.