8 Mistakes While Combing That Can Cause Hair Loss

Producer:  Nishad T

Unclean Comb

Using an unclean comb causes more hair loss. Compacted dirt gives the comb a coarse appearance.

Combing wet hair

Most people comb their hair right after taking a shower or do not adequately wash their hair because they are pressed for time.

Excessive pressure

Excessive pressure while hair combing can also result in hair loss. Some comb their hair too hard in an attempt to make it compatible with their preferences.

Combing the roots

The hair’s roots shouldn’t be disturbed if the hair is to remain stable. You can apply oil to your hair’s roots. Avoid using the comb to exert pressure.

Uneven Comb

If you want to gently brush your hair without damaging it, choose for wide-tooth combs or brushes with soft, flexible bristles.

Excessive Combing

Excessive brushing or prolonged use of a comb can cause irritation to the scalp. Hair loss eventually results from it.


Avoid consuming excessive amounts of cosmetics such as shampoos and conditioners for hair.

Using the right comb

1. It’s critical to use the appropriate comb for their hair type. Hair fall is inevitable, even with the incorrect comb.