8 Natural Home Remedies for Wrinkles

Producer:  Riya Ashok

Lactic Acid, a component of yoghurt, dissolves dead skin cells and improves the face. Vitamin E helps to remove blemishes and expedites skin restoration.

Turmeric is an excellent addition to any face mask due to its healing and antibacterial qualities. 

The high levels of Vitamin E in jojoba oil fight free radicals and stop them from doing harm.

One of the best natural therapies for anti-aging is aloe vera. The cells are protected from harm, which promotes cell growth and fixes the damage from the inside out.

Beat an egg white until foamy, then use it as a mask. Proteins found in egg whites may help temporarily tighten the skin.

As a toner, use rose water. It has a calming effect and can aid in skin hydration.

To keep your skin hydrated from the inside out, sip on lots of water. Sustaining skin suppleness requires adequate hydration.