8 Plants That Need A Lot Of Sunlight

Producer:  Shreeja Bhattacharya

Succulents and cacti adore bright sunlight, ideal for their unique shapes and structures.

Sunflowers crave full sunlight, enhancing their tall stems and large, cheerful blooms.

Lavender thrives in sunlight, fostering fragrant oils and maintaining its aromatic qualities.

Tomatoes demand ample sunlight for optimal fruit development and robust, healthy plants.

Sun-loving herbs like basil require sunlight for robust flavour and vigorous growth.

Marigolds prefer sunny spots, producing vibrant flowers and acting as natural pest repellents.

Hibiscus plants thrive in sunlight, displaying their large, colorful, and exotic blossoms generously.

Zinnias flourish in direct sunlight, showcasing a spectrum of vibrant colors in their blossoms.