9 plants you can grow in water

Spider plant  Spider plants are popular due to their air purifying properties. These survive only on water and are a good option to grow inside your home.

Lucky bamboo This plant is almost exclusively sold in a jar of water. Add enough water to keep the roots covered and also a layer of pebbles to help stabilize the stems.

Pothos This plant's vining nature, heart-shaped leaves, and ability to handle almost any light conditions make it a stylish, low-maintenance option.

English ivy When planted outdoors, these vines can be invasive and quickly take over your garden.

Chinese evergreen  This plant tolerates lower light conditions and can grow in water long-term, thanks to the thick stems and large leaves. 

Vegetable scraps Regrowing vegetable scraps such as lettuce, green onions, and carrot tops is a fun way to reuse parts of the vegetable you typically toss.

Coleus Take a 6-inch cutting and remove the leaves from the bottom 4 inches before placing it in water. Keep the cutting in a sunny spot and fertilize monthly for best results.

Baby's tears This plant is also a trailing variety that produces tiny leaves along its stem. Cut a 6-inch piece and remove any leaves that will be in contact with the water; otherwise, the leaves will rot and turn the water murky.

Peace lily Peace lilies are showy plants with large green leaves and pretty white blooms. You can grow them in water, either in a vase with a narrow neck or a glass, as long as the base of the plant is out of the water and only the stem is submerged.

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