8 Sacred Hindu Symbols and Their Meaning

By Archisha Yadav | September 16, 2024

Om symbolises the sound of the universe. Representing spiritual self-awareness, it is often chanted during prayers and rituals in Hinduism.

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A symbol of good fortune and prosperity, the Swastik is drawn during ceremonies and rituals, promoting well-being and positive energy.

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Lotus symbolises purity and spiritual growth. Despite growing in mud, lotus blooms beautifully, representing divine beauty & detachment from worldly attachments.

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Lotus Blossom

The conch shell symbolises the sacred sound "Om" and is associated with Lord Vishnu. It represents longevity, prosperity, and is used in Hindu rituals.

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Shankha (Conch)

Lord Shiva’s trident, the Trishul, represents creation, protection, and destruction. These three forces are believed to shape the universe and exist within all living beings.

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The cobra symbolises rebirth and kundalini power, representing cosmic energy. Cobras are often depicted with deities such as Shiva and Vishnu.

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Naga (Cobra)

The saffron dhvaja flag symbolises the victory of Dharma (righteousness) and the warmth of the sun, bringing charity and safety to all who see it.

Image: Canva

Dhvaja (Saffron Flag)

Nataraja symbolises Lord Shiva’s role as creator, preserver, and destroyer. His cosmic dance represents the infinite cycle of creation, preservation, and destruction in the universe.

Image: Canva
