Producer:  Priyanka Das Editor: Sujata Singh

8 Tips to Help You Maintain Good Mood

If someone’s bad mood persists and interferes with their daily life, it is important for them to seek professional help from a mental health professional.

 Fortunately, there are some things they can do and habits they can develop to increase and stabilise pleasant moods in their life.

Wake up earlier than usual

 Set your alarm for 15 minutes before your usual wake-up time. You can plan out and be more productive with this extra time. Eventually, this extra time could be increased to 30 minutes, then an hour and so on.

Bring a smile to someone’s face

One of the best ways to make your day better is to make someone smile. Why not text them to see how they are doing or send them a funny meme?

 Talk positively to yourself

What is your opinion of yourself? A steady stream of negative self-talk can be harmful. Nobody is perfect but give yourself the benefit of doubt and recognise when you need to change your attitude.

Be thankful

Gratitude is a powerful antidote to negative thoughts and is frequently associated with feelings of well-being. Start a gratitude diary and regularly record reasons to be grateful if you have problems identifying people or things to be grateful for.

Go for a walk

Going for a quick walk outside will improve your mood and help you relax if you are stressed or anxious.

Listen to music

It’s common knowledge that listening to music can make people happier and calmer. Play your favourite music, and you’ll soon catch yourself singing, grinning and dancing.

Have a quick tidy up

Clear your space to clear your head. Make time to clean up your surroundings every day, even if it’s just for five minutes. Your mind will appreciate it.

Get enough sleep

If you want to wake up feeling rejuvenated and energised, make sure you get 8 hours of sleep that the majority of us require every night to repair and restore our bodies.