8 Vastu Tips to Enhance Career Growth at Your Workplace

By Archisha Yadav | September 20 , 2024

Place your table lamp in the southeast corner of your desk. This direction is considered beneficial for attracting career opportunities.

Image: Canva

Right Placement of Lamp

Avoid keeping cacti or thorny plants in your office. Instead, opt for low-maintenance indoor plants to create a calming work atmosphere.

Image: Canva

Avoid Thorny Plants

A cluttered desk can lead to a cluttered mind. Keep your workspace tidy and organised to maintain productivity and career growth.

Image: Canva

Keep Workspace Clutter-Free

Avoid sitting with your back facing the entrance door, as it may impact your career growth negatively. Always face the entrance while working.

Image: Canva

Avoid Back to Door

Ensure your workplace is well-lit. A dark workspace can drain energy and reduce motivation, impacting career progress.

Image: Canva

Proper Lighting

Sitting cross-legged can create negative energy. Sit comfortably with feet flat on the ground for better focus and stability.

Image: Canva

Don’t Sit Cross-Legged

For home offices, keep the office space separate from the master bedroom to maintain a professional environment and enhance focus.

Image: Canva

Separate Office and Bedroom

Avoid hanging paintings of water bodies behind you. They represent lack of support and may hinder career advancement.

Image: Canva

No Water Paintings