8 Vegetables That Help With Digestion

Producer:  Shreeja Bhattacharya

Ginger: Eases digestion, reduces nausea, and helps alleviate indigestion, a versatile digestive aid.

Cucumber: High water content and fibre aid digestion, promoting a healthy digestive system.

Spinach: Rich in fibre and antioxidants, spinach supports a healthy and efficient digestive process.

Sweet Potato: High in fibre and antioxidants, sweet potatoes contribute to a healthy digestive system.

Artichoke: Supports liver function, aids digestion, and helps maintain a healthy gut microbiome.

Carrots: High in fibre and vitamins, carrots contribute to a healthy and regular digestive system.

Asparagus: Contains prebiotics that nourish beneficial gut bacteria, supporting digestive wellness.

Broccoli: Packed with fibre and nutrients, broccoli aids digestion and promotes gut health effectively.