8 Ways to Prevent Nipah Virus Infection

Producer:  Riya Ashok

Avoid coming into direct touch with pigs, bats, and other animals that could be contaminated.

Do not handle sick or dead animals, particularly bats or pigs, if you stumble across them. 

Wash your hands frequently, especially after coming into touch with animals or their environs, for at least 20 seconds with soap and water.

Fruits and vegetables that have come into contact with sick bats or other animals run the risk of becoming contaminated with the Nipah virus.

Avoid going into caves or other places where bats are known to reside since they may be sources of the Nipah virus.

Use the proper precautions if you need to treat someone who has the Nipah virus or if you work in healthcare.

Avoid close physical contact with those who are ill and take the necessary safety measures.

To lower your risk of illness, abide with the advice and regulations given by your local health authorities.