9 amazing health benefits of sesame seeds

Eat sesame seeds regularly to increase your fibre intake, which plays a major role in reducing the risk of heart diseases, certain cancers, obesity, and type 2 diabetes.

Sesame seeds are high in dietary fibre, which adds volume to the stool and aids in constipation prevention.

Consuming sesame seeds reduces high triglyceride and "bad" LDL cholesterol levels, which are linked to heart health.

These seeds are high in calcium and serve as a good supply of magnesium, which helps to preserve bone density and structure.

High content of essential fatty acids, including omega-6 fatty acids, in sesames seeds help nourish and moisturise the skin.

Sesames seeds contain phytosterols, which has anti-inflammatory properties that help in easing knee and joint pain.

Sesame seeds are high in magnesium, a mineral that aids in blood pressure regulation.

During menopause, oestrogen levels in a woman's body drop dramatically, which can be compensated for by eating sesame seeds.

Vitamin B6, thiamine, and niacin are found in good amounts in sesame seeds. These nutrients are essential for healthy cell division and metabolism.