Horseshoe crabs are deep ocean living creatures. They have blue blood due to the presence of copper-based respiratory pigment called hemocyanin.
The eight-legged creature also has blue blood, thanks to hemocyanin, which helps it survive in cold, low-oxygen environments.
Peanut worms
Peanut worms, or sipunculans, have purple blood. This is due to the presence of a pigment called hemerythrin, which carries oxygen in these marine creatures.
Brachiopods, ancient marine animals, have pink blood due to hemerythrin. They have oxygen-carrying pigment which helps them thrive in their deep-sea habitats.
Squid have dark blue to reddish blue blood which is crucial for transporting oxygen in their cold and deep-sea habitats.
The creepy crawlers also have blood that isn’t red, instead, they have blue blood, a result of hemocyanin.
Leeches have green blood because of the respiratory pigment chlorocruorin. This pigment allows them to use less oxygen more efficiently.
Sea cucumbers
Sea cucumbers possess a unique blood pigment called vanadium chromagen, which gives their blood a green or yellow hue.
Icefish, found in Antarctic waters, have clear or white blood due to the absence of hemoglobin. They survive by absorbing oxygen directly through their skin in water.