9 Effective Vastu Tips Tailored for Your Zodiac Sign

by Neha Mewari | july 30, 2024


Place your bedroom in the South or South-West for energy and focus. Use bold colors like red and orange and incorporate fire elements like candles to match your dynamic nature.

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Position your bedroom in the South-West or North-West for stability. Opt for earthy colors like green and beige, and use natural materials to create a calming and secure environment.

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Choose a North-East or East room to boost communication and intellect. Bright colors like yellow and light blue energize your mental space, while mirrors and tech support your versatile nature.

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A North-West or South-West bedroom promotes emotional comfort. Soft colors like white and silver enhance security, and water features create a soothing, nurturing atmosphere.

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South or South-East rooms suit your leadership qualities. Bold colors like gold and purple match your charisma, while bright lighting accentuates your vibrant personality.

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Opt for a North-East or East room for clarity and organization. Neutral colors like cream and light green complement your analytical nature, and clean, organized spaces support your practical goals.

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South-East or North-West rooms create balance and harmony. Pastel colors and artistic decor align with your love for beauty and equilibrium, fostering a peaceful living space.

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A South-West bedroom suits your intense nature. Dark colors like black and maroon reflect your passion, while privacy elements provide the seclusion you need.

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North-East or East rooms stimulate your adventurous spirit. Bright colors like orange and purple inspire growth, and travel-themed decor satisfies your wanderlust.

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South or South-West rooms offer stability and focus. Sober colors like grey and dark blue match your disciplined nature, while structured elements support your ambitious goals.

(Image: Canva)


South or South-West rooms offer stability and focus. Sober colors like grey and dark blue match your disciplined nature, while structured elements support your ambitious goals.

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North-East or East rooms nurture your intuitive nature. Soft colors like sea green and lavender, along with water features, create a calming, imaginative space.

(Image: Canva)