9 Facts About Israel's Iron Dome Missile Defense System

Producer: Priyanka Das Editor: Mohit Bisht

Israel's Iron Dome ('Kippat Barzel' in Hebrew) is a mobile all-weather defense system, designed to launch guided missiles and destroy incoming short-range rockets mid-air.

The missile defense system was developed by state-owned Rafael Advanced Defense Systems with Washington, US funding.

Amidst the ongoing Israel-Palestine conflict, this defence system can prove effective in protecting the Israeli citizens.

Recently Hamas initiated missile barrages and assault on Israeli civilians. Many rockets fired by the Palestinians from the Gaza Strip has been intercepted by the Iron Dome.

For over a decade, the multibillion-dollar system has played a vital role in safeguarding Israeli cities and averting countless potential casualties.

Israel’s Defense Ministry claimed that the Iron Dome successfully impeded 97% of Palestinian rockets fired during one weekend surge of Gaza fighting last year.

The short-range system became fully operational in March 2011, and has been “tested consistently” and upgraded several times since, as per Israel’s Defense Ministry.

Prior to Hamas’ October 7, 2023 attack, the US was estimated to have provided nearly $3 billion to Israel for Iron Dome's maintenance, and will continue to fund it.

“Thanks to the Iron Dome, we have not sustained tremendous casualties from the rockets that have been fired,” Lt. Col. Jonathan Conricus, a spokesperson for Israel’s Defense Forces, said.