Producer:  Priyanka Das Editor: Sujata Singh

9 Incredible Benefits of Jaggery

Prevents Constipation

Jaggery activates the digestive enzymes in the body which stimulates bowel movements and thus helps in preventing and relieving constipation.

Cools the Stomach

Experts have advised using jaggery to maintain the normal body temperature which eventually helps in keeping your stomach cool.

Nourishes the Skin

It is high in many vital vitamins and minerals which provide nourishment to every part of the body including your skin. If your skin stays nourished and healthy then you can acquire that much-awaited glow.

Treats Acne and Pimples

Jaggery not only gives you glowing skin but also prevents many skin issues like acne and pimples. It also delays the skin aging signs like wrinkles and dark spots and keeps the skin blemish-free.

Boosts Immunity

Loaded with antioxidants and minerals, like zinc and selenium, jaggery boosts resistance against many infections, and the antioxidants and minerals help in preventing free-radical damage. 

Relieves Menstrual Cramps

An all-natural remedy for pain during menstrual cramps is jaggery. Endorphins, a pleasant hormone released when jaggery is consumed, help reduce PMS symptoms like mood swings, impatience, cravings, and more. 

Detoxifies the liver

Jaggery is a natural cleanser that is particularly good for the liver. The natural sweetener helps in eliminating dangerous toxins from the body. This further promotes liver detoxification. 

Controls blood pressure

The potassium and sodium content of jaggery helps maintain the acid balance of the body. This, in turn, keeps blood pressure within an acceptable range.

Boosts energy levels

Jaggery provides progressive energy that lasts longer than sugar. The reason is that jaggery is unprocessed, so it does not alter blood sugar levels immediately but increases gradually. This, in turn, can help prevent fatigue.