9 iron-rich foods to add to your diet this winter

Spinach, rich in iron, is a must have in winters. It aids in the synthesis of red blood cells, which improves oxygen circulation and prevents weariness.


Lentils are a good source of iron. Eating lentils during winters is good for maintaining energy levels and supporting muscle health. They are also abundant in protein.


Dried apricots are a handy and iron-rich winter snack. They are also high in vitamin C, which aids in iron absorption in the body.

Dried apricots

Pumpkin seeds, which are high in iron, make a simple and nutritious winter snack. They also include nutrients that help the immune system, such as magnesium and zinc.

Pumpkin seeds

Tofu is a plant-based source of iron that is good for vegetarians and vegans. Tofu, when added to your winter meals, provides a rich source of iron without the need of animal products.


Quinoa is a gluten-free grain that boasts a high iron content. It's also high in fibre and important amino acids, so it'll make a healthy addition to your winter diet.


Oysters are high in iron and other vital minerals like zinc and selenium. Oysters, when consumed in moderation, can assist to boost the immune system and promote general health.


Dark chocolate, can be a good source of iron. Choose dark chocolate with a high cocoa content to gain the advantages while enjoying a tasty treat.

Dark chocolate

Along with being rich in iron, chickpeas contain abundant protein and dietary fibre. Eating them in winters help in maintaining healthy blood iron levels.
