9 Most Famous Sacred Rivers in India 

Neha Mewari | July 31, 2024

Ganges [Ganga]

Considered the holiest river in Hinduism, the Ganges is worshipped as a goddess. Bathing in its waters is believed to cleanse sins and purify the soul.

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Sacred in northeastern India, the Brahmaputra is associated with myths and legends. It is vital for the region's ecology and economy.

Image: Canva


Though largely mythical today, the Sarasvati river is linked to knowledge and wisdom in Hindu tradition and celebrated in ancient scriptures.

Image: Canva


One of the seven holy rivers, the Narmada is worshipped as a goddess. Bathing in its waters is believed to remove sins and purify the soul.

Image: Canva


Sacred for its fertility, the Kaveri is central to rituals and festivals in Tamil Nadu and Karnataka. It is associated with Lord Shiva.

Image: Canva

Tapti (Tapi)

An important western Indian river, the Tapti is considered sacred and linked with various religious practices and purification.

Image: Canva


The Ganges of the South, the Godavari is sacred in Hinduism with many pilgrimage sites along its banks. It plays a key role in various festivals.

Image: Canva


Revered as a goddess and closely associated with Krishna, the Yamuna flows through Mathura and is central to many rituals and festivals.

Image: Canva

Sindhu (Indus)

Historically significant, the Indus River is sacred in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. Its cultural importance extends into modern India.

Image: Canva