9 nutrient-packed seeds for optimal health

Chia seeds: Native to Central America, chia seeds are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and fibre

Flaxseeds: Flaxseeds are a great source of lignans, fibre, and omega-3s. Their origins can be traced to ancient Egypt

Pumpkin seeds: Native to North America, pumpkin seeds are packed with magnesium, zinc, and antioxidants

Sunflower seeds: Sunflower seeds are rich in vitamin E, selenium, and healthy fats

Sesame seeds: Sesame seeds are high in calcium, iron, and healthy fats. They are native to Africa and India

Hemp seeds: Originating from Asia, hemp seeds are a complete protein source and rich in omega-3s

Poppy Seeds: Poppy seeds are rich in calcium, magnesium, and fibre. They are a big part of food in the Mediterranean region

Quinoa: Quinoa is a complete protein and gluten-free grain. It’s popular the world over today but it first came from the Andes region of South America

Amaranth: Amaranth is rich in protein, fibre, and micronutrients like iron and calcium

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