Producer:  Priyanka Das Editor: Manuj Yadav

9 Of The World's Most Powerful Passports Of 2023

Singapore has emerged as the world's most powerful passport, with free access to 192 countries.

It is followed by Germany, Italy and Spain, with free access to 190 countries.

In the third spot are Austria, Finland, France, Japan, Luxembourg, South Korea and Sweden. They have free access to 189 countries.

Ireland, Netherlands and the United Kingdom are next, with free access to 188 countries.

In the fifth spot are Belgium, Czech Republic, Malta, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal and Switzerland. They have free access to 187 countries.

Australia, Hungary and Poland are next, with free access to 186 countries.

In the seventh spot are Canada and Greece. They have free access to 185 countries.

Lithuania and the United States are in the eighth spot, with free access to 184 countries.

Latvia, Slovakia and Slovenia are next. They have free access to 183 countries.

In the tenth spot are Estonia and Iceland, with free access to 182 countries.