July 30, 2024


9 Quick Ways to Cleanse Your Aura


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Spend a few minutes daily in meditation, focusing on clearing your mind and connecting with your inner self. This practice can help release negative energy and restore balance.


Image Source: Canva

Use sage, palo santo, or other cleansing herbs to smudge your space. Light the herbs and gently move the smoke around your body and environment to cleanse negative energy.

Salt Baths

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Soaking in a bath with sea salt or Epsom salt can help detoxify and cleanse your aura. Add a few drops of essential oil for added relaxation.


Image Source: Canva

Imagine a bright, cleansing light surrounding you. Visualize this light washing away any negativity or stagnation from your aura.


Image Source: Canva

Use cleansing crystals like clear quartz, amethyst, or selenite. Place them around your space or carry them with you to help clear and protect your energy field.

Nature Walks

Image Source: Canva

Spend time in nature to reconnect with the earth and refresh your aura. The natural environment can help ground you and cleanse negative energies.

Sound Healing

Image Source: Canva

Use sound healing tools like singing bowls, bells, or tuning forks. The vibrations can help clear stagnant energy and align your aura.

Breathing Exercises

Image Source: Canva

Practice deep breathing exercises to release stress and negativity. Focus on inhaling positive energy and exhaling any tension or negative emotions.

Healthy Lifestyle

Image Source: Canva

Maintain a healthy diet, exercise regularly, and get enough sleep. A balanced lifestyle supports a positive aura and helps keep your energy field clean.