9 Simple Tips When You Don’t Know How to Answer in an Interview

by priyanka roshan | aug 18, 2024

Take Your Time

Pause briefly to gather your thoughts before responding. It shows you’re thoughtful and composed.

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Think Aloud

Share your thought process to demonstrate critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

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Redirect the Conversation

If the question doesn’t fit your experience, steer the conversation toward a related topic you’re more comfortable with.

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Have a Fail-Safe

Prepare a general response for tricky questions, like “I would approach it by…”

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Admit You’re Unsure

It’s okay to say, “I’m not sure, but I’m eager to learn.” Honesty paired with curiosity leaves a good impression.

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Repeat the Question

Repeating buys you time and ensures you understand what’s being asked.

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Use Flexible Thinking

Approach the question from different angles to show adaptability.

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Be Honest

Don’t bluff—authenticity builds trust and shows integrity.

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Express Willingness to Learn

If you don’t know something, highlight your eagerness to learn and grow.

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