9 Surprising Facts About Lord Krishna

By Archisha Yadav | August 20, 2024

Lord Krishna is known by 108 names, including Gopal, Govind, Devakinandan, and Shyam. Each name reflects different aspects of his divine persona and the roles he played throughout his life.

Image: Canva

Krishna’s 108 Names

Lord Krishna had 16,108 wives. Eight were his principal wives, and the rest were women he rescued from captivity. He married them to protect their honour, though he didn’t maintain marital relations with them.

Image: Canva

16,108 Wives

Queen Gandhari cursed Krishna, leading to the destruction of his dynasty and his own death 36 years after the Mahabharata war. Krishna accepted the curse, believing it to be necessary.

Image: Canva

Gandhari’s Curse

Though often depicted as blue, Krishna’s skin was actually dark. The blue hue in images represents his divine aura, which was believed to be all-encompassing and magnetic.

Image: Canva

Krishna’s True Colour

Krishna and Balarama brought their Guru Sandipani Muni’s dead son back to life as Guru Dakshina. They retrieved him from the realm of Yama, the God of Death, fulfilling their teacher’s wish.

Image: Canva

Reviving a Life

Krishna’s conch, Panchjanya, had a powerful sound. It marked the beginning of the Kurukshetra war and symbolised the victory of righteousness when blown at the end.

Image: Canva

Conch of War

Krishna was related to the Pandavas through his father Vasudev, who was the brother of Kunti, their mother. This familial connection deepened his role in their lives.

Image: Canva

Related to Pandavas

Eklavya, known for his dedication to archery, was Krishna’s cousin. After being wronged by Dronacharya, he was reincarnated as Dhrishtadyumna, destined to kill his teacher.

Image: Canva

Eklavya’s Connection

Radha, Krishna’s beloved, is central to his lore, yet ancient scriptures like the Mahabharata don’t mention her. Some believe her name is hidden in texts, while others think she emerged in later traditions.

Image: Canva

Radha’s Mystery