9 things you should never hide from your partner

Past relationships Come clean about your past relationships, including marriage and engagement. It will help in the long run as your partner will have more trust in you.

Friendships with other people Friendships outside your relationship are important and help you grow as a person. But your partner should know about this.

Your family situation Your family plays an important role in your life so don't hide details about them from your partner. Tell your parents about your relationship and how it affects you. 

Health issues Honesty is the best policy when it comes to your health. Keeping secrets in this area can damage the foundation of the relationship.

Financial problems Your partner is a part of your life thus, they should know your finances and your financial problems. If you are owing any debts or if you have a job insecurity letting your partner know will beforehand is a better idea. 

Personal beliefs and values Sit down and discuss your personal beliefs with your partner. Be it religious or political, always be vocal about your beliefs and opinions.

Make your expectations clear Before you enter a relationship make sure to clearly state your expectations from your partner. For example,  if you see long term commitment or you think this is going to be just a casual one.

State your likes and dislikes Do you like to go out or stay in? Do you like to eat more or less? All of this should be shared with your partner. Your partner will certainly not judge you on the quantity of food you eat.  

Be your true self It is okay if you dress up for your own happiness, but if you are using makeup or any other artificial methods on your body only to hide your flaws you need to stop doing that. Your partner will accept you just the way you are if he truly loves you.