9 Tips To Keep Snakes and Other Reptiles Away From Your Home In Monsoon

Producer: Mehak Pal Editor: Aparna Singh

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With the start of monsoon, animals, especially reptiles, find a way to enter human habitat. Here are some handy hacks.

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People living in forests, hilly areas and ground floors should be alert during monsoon and keep their doors and windows closed. This should especially be done during the night. 

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Scorpions can be avoided by applying neem oil in and around the house. Mixing neem oil in water and spraying it daily in the entire house can be effective in combating these eight-legged arachnids.

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Bleach powder also serves as one of the effective remedies for avoiding snakes, scorpions and other creatures. Bleach can be mixed with water and sprayed on the stagnant water near the house.

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Clove and cinnamon oil can be combined to repel snakes and scorpions. These ingredients should be combined in a spray bottle and sprayed anywhere. They cannot bear the smell of these ingredients.

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Plants like cactus and snake plants also keep snakes at bay. Snakes feel threatened by the sharp leaf edges of the plant and also avoid thorny plants.

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Snakes can also be repelled by a paste of onion and garlic. This is due to the high quantities of sulfonic acid in these foods that give a pungent smell.

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Tulsi and mint plants also prove to be effective steps in combating these serpents.

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A combination of cinnamon powder, white vinegar or lemon juice can be sprayed regularly in places where there is a possibility of snake infestation.

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Spraying kerosene, vinegar or phenyl also works as an effective snake and scorpion snake repellent.