9 tips to maintain your earthen pots at home

Season your pots

Before first use, soak your earthen pots in water for 24 hours. After soaking, rub the insides with oil to prevent cracks.

Avoid sudden temperature changes

Earthen pots are sensitive to temperature shifts. Always allow them to cool down or warm up gradually to avoid cracks.

Use natural cleaning methods

Clean your pots with a mixture of baking soda and water. Avoid using harsh chemicals or detergents that can seep into the clay. Use gentle scrubbers or coconut fibres.

Store in a dry place

After washing, make sure to dry the pots thoroughly before storing them. This prevents mould and unpleasant odours from developing.

Cook on low heat

Earthen pots retain heat efficiently, so always cook on low flame. This ensure your food cooks evenly and doesn’t burn.

Avoid metal utensils

When cooking, use wooden or silicone utensils to prevent scratches on the inner surface of the pot.

Oil the pot regularly

To maintain the pot's durability and enhance its flavouring qualities, lightly oil the interior every few uses.

Keep away from direct flames

If your pot is not flame-resistant, avoid placing it directly over a high flame. High flame can damage the pot and create cracks

Monitor for cracks

Regularly inspect your pots for any signs of cracks or damage. Early detection can prevent further damage and potential accidents.

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