9 tips to store onions right to make them last longer

Store them in cool, dry place Onions need to be kept in a cool and dry environment to prevent mould and sprouting. Avoid humid places as moisture causes onions to spoil faster.

Use mesh bags or baskets Onions need air circulation to stay fresh longer so consider using mesh bags or wire baskets to store them. Avoid plastic bags. 

Keep away from potatoes Potatoes release moisture and gases that can cause onions to spoil quickly. Thus, store the two in separate containers to prevent premature spoilage.

Avoid storing onions in refrigerators Cold temperatures can convert the starch in onions into sugars making them soft and prone to spoilage. It is best to store whole, unpeeled onions at room temperature.

Store cut onions properly Cut onions can spoil quickly if not stored correctly. So, wrap them in plastic wrap or store them in an airtight container and place them in the refrigerator. 

Freeze onions for long-term storage Freezing onions can help preserve them for days or even months. For this, chop up the onions and spread them on a baking sheet to freeze them individually. Then put them in a freezer safe bag and put it in the freezer. 

Dehydrate onions Onions may go bad if they have moisture so make sure to dry them using a dehydrator. Once dry, store them in air-tight containers. These can be rehydrated for cooking.

Check regularly for spoiled onions One spoiled onion can affect others in the same storage area so it is better to keep checking the lot for any bad ones from time to time.

Store away from direct sunlight Sunlight can cause onions to sprout and spoil faster so make sure to keep them away from direct sunlight in a cool, dark and dry place.

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