9 vegetables that taste like meat 

Mushroom contains high quantity of moisture and proteins,  giving it a satisfying meat like texture.


Carrots are the best replacement to bacon. To achieve the perfect taste, just peel the vegetable into thin strips and soak in a marinade of liquid smoke, maple syrup, and spices.


After mashing and roasting, eggplant provides a minced-meat like effect.


Jackfruit has a stringy, meaty texture that resembles that of beef or pork.


Beans and legumes can easily mimic meat. They are also an excellent source of protein and fibre.

Beans and legumes

Lentils have a similar texture to ground meat, yet they do not taste like meat. To make lentils taste more like meat, try using umami-rich foods like soy sauce, miso, or nutritional yeast.


Cauliflower can be sliced into steak-sized pieces, browned on each side on a hot plate, and served with other greens and sauces. All you have to do is season it to make it taste like meat.


They can taste like meat when roasted and used in roast burgers and salads.


Potatoes have a meaty flavour. You can boil, bake, fry, or mash them.
