9 ways to stay active if you are sitting at work all day

Replace your traditional sitting desk with a standing desk. Using a standing desk helps you burn more calories and improve your posture.

Use standing desk

Use your lunch break to go for a brisk walk outside. Fresh air and movement can boost your energy and productivity.

Lunchtime walks

If you're having a one-on-one or small group meeting, consider taking a walking meeting. It's an excellent approach to have a constructive chat while remaining active.

Active meetings

Drinking plenty of water throughout the day will encourage you to get up and walk to the restroom, helping you stay active.

Stay hydrated

Incorporate yoga stretches or poses into your workday. Simple yoga exercises can help relieve tension and improve flexibility.

Desk yoga

Long periods of sitting might be hazardous to your health. Take a few minutes to walk around after an hour of sitting.

Take breaks

Stretch your arms, legs, and back once an hour. Stretching relaxes your muscles and improves your posture.


Taking the stairs instead of the lift during the day is an excellent way to get some exercise.

Take stairs

Instead of driving, try walking or bicycling to work. This is a good way to get some fresh air and exercise.

Walk to work