Producer:  Priyanka Das Editor: Sujata Singh

 Amazing Benefits of Mustard Oil Body Massage During Winters

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Improving Blood Circulation

Like all massages, mustard oil massage can help radically improve blood circulation in the body. This way, the joint and muscle pains keep at bay during the dry and cold winter.

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Warming the body

Mustard oil is inherently warm. Massaging with the oil can help not only warm up the body but retain the body heat inside. Managing the cold becomes a little easier with a warm oil massage.

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Reducing congestion

Winter is also cold and cough season. While the common flu lasts at least 3-4 days, the annoying days can be made a little more bearable with a helpful massage. The pungent oil helps unclog congestion and relieves the body of ache. It’s also anti-inflammatory and rich in antioxidants.

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Germ protection

You would be glad to know that mustard oil has anti-microbial properties as it prevents growth of those pesky bacteria and fungus, which is why it’s used in pickles for long-term preservation. Keep the germs at bay with a nice layer of the oil.

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Mustard oil can act as a sunscreen (without those harmful preservatives and chemicals of cosmetics). It acts as a barrier between the skin and UV rays of the sun. It also cleanses and hydrates the skin, keeping it healthy and supple during the dry weather.