Animals To Plants: Top 10 Stunning Images From 2024 Science Photography

Sheetal Kumari

September 20, 2024

Bird's Mirror Image

Light waves reflecting off the bird's image on the water's surface return to our eyes, forming a mirrored image of the bird.

 Image: James Britton

Tannin Tarn

This photograph shows a branch in tannin-stained water. Tasmanian plants produce tannins to guard against herbivores, bacteria, and fungi.

 Image: Nathan Waterhouse

Glowing Frog

This photograph of a glowing frog and ghost fungus has won the People's Choice award at the Beaker Street Science Photography Competition in Tasmania.

 Image: Toby Schrapel

Ruby Bonnets

Cruentomycena viscidocruenta is a small agaric fungus belonging to the Mycenaceae family, typically found on decaying wood.

 Image: Charlie Chadwick

Endangered Red Handfish

Successfully breeding red handfish embryos marks a major milestone in conservation, as these fish use their oversized 'hands' to walk instead of swim.

 Image: Andrea Williamson

Eddies of Time

The cracks on this snow peppermint tree reflect its struggles to survive at high altitudes, shaped by fire, ice, and time on kunanyi/Mt Wellington.

 Image: Deon Scanlon

Red Mites

The photographer felt fortunate to capture this mite from the Callidosomatinae subfamily climbing through dry undergrowth in Tasmania's Hawley Nature Reserve.

 Image: Ben Travaglini

Tasmania’s Kelp Forests

This photo showcases marine ecologists seeding giant kelp, Macrocystis pyrifera, along Tasmania’s east coast, demonstrating their commitment to marine conservation.

 Image: Paula Andrea Ruiz Ruiz

Calcidiscus leptoporus

Calcidiscus leptoporus, a coccolithophore in the Southern Ocean, is a single-celled organism that photosynthesises, generating energy and oxygen for our atmosphere.

 Image: Luke Brokensha

Dreamy Aurora

A rare solar storm in May featured fast-moving protons and electrons, creating a remarkable spectacle in the Australian skies.

 Image: Alistair Luckman