Animals with the longest pregnancies

Sperm Whale

Sperm whales — the largest living predators — have been known to carry their young for up to 19 months. Female sperm whales give birth to calves that are approximately 13 feet long.

African elephant

The African elephant holds the record for the longest gestation period in the animal kingdom. Pregnant for about 22 months, female elephants give birth to one of the largest and most developed young ones in the animal world.


Camels have a gestation period of around 13 to 14 months. This extended pregnancy ensures that the calf is well-developed and ready to withstand harsh desert conditions.


Dolphins have a gestation period between 10 and 12 months, depending on the species. Harbour porpoises have 10 months gestation period whereas orcas have 18 months. 


Giraffes are pregnant for about 15 months. The long gestation period allows the calf to grow to develop its long legs and neck. Born standing at nearly six feet tall, giraffe calves can run within hours of birth.


Rhinos have a gestation period of approximately 15 to 16 months. The long pregnancy helps the calf develop sufficiently to cope with the challenges of the wild.


Female walruses are pregnant for about 15 months. Further, seal and sea lion mothers don't get off easy; they carry their offspring for about 330 and 350 days after birth.


Manatees are pregnant for about 12 to 14 months. This lengthy pregnancy is necessary for the development of the manatee calf, which, at birth, can weigh 66 pounds and measure around six feet in length.


A female donkey typically gives birth to one foal about a year after mating. However, some pregnancies can last nearly 14 months.

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