Apple's VisionPro goes on sale: A look at tech giants’ iconic products


By Priyanka Deshpande

Published Feb 6, 2024

Founded in 1976, tech-giant Apple has launched some of the world's most radical devices over the course of its journey. Some of them became instant hits, a few - even if less successful - paved the way for innovative devices of the future.

As Apple's “mixed reality" headset Vision Pro goes on sale, we take a look at some of its most revolutionary products...

In 1976, Apple released its first product, the Apple Computer 1, an 8-bit motherboard-only personal computer designed by Steve Wozniak.

Apple I

Image: Wiki Commons

In 1977, Apple II revolutionised the computer industry with the introduction of the first-ever colour graphics.

Apple II

Image: Wiki Commons

In 1983, Apple began selling Lisa, one of the first personal computers to present a graphical user interface.

Apple Lisa

Image: Wiki Commons

In 1984, Apple unveiled the Apple IIc, its first portable computer, and introduced the Macintosh personal computer in the same year.

Apple IIc

Image: Wiki Commons

In 1991, Powerbook 100 was launched – Apple’s first hit portable computer.

Powerbook 100

Image: Wiki Commons

In 1993, Apple released Newton Message Pad, the first hand-held device & one of the first personal digital assistant (PDA) devices ever. The product however failed to gain market share.

Newton Message Pad

Image: Wiki Commons

In 1998, Apple unveiled iMac Desktop computer which was an instant success and changed the trajectory of the company forever.


Image: Reuters

iPod In 2001, Apple introduced iPod and opened iTunes store in 2003.


Image: Reuters

In 2007, Apple announced the iPhone. It also launched the first-generation Apple TV.


Image: Reuters

In 2008, Apple launched the MacBook Air, establishing a new standard for thinner and lighter laptops.

MacBook Air

Image: Reuters

In 2010, Apple began selling the iPad which was an instant success.


Image: Reuters

In 2015, the Apple Watch was released.

Apple Watch

Image: Reuters

In 2016, Apple introduced AirPods, wireless earbuds with distinctive design and seamless integration with Apple products


Image: Reuters

In 2018, Apple launched HomePod, a series of smart speakers.


Image: Reuters

In 2023, Apple announced augmented reality headset VisionPro.


Image: Reuters

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