Published Apr 01, 2024

April Fools’ Day: Journey through its mysterious origins

By Vivek Dubey

The origins of April Fools’ Day, a day marked by pranks and hoaxes, remain shrouded in mystery, with theories linked to calendar shifts, ancient festivals, and nature’s unpredictability.

Mysterious Origins

The true origins of April Fools’ Day are unclear, with theories aplenty but no definitive answer.

Calendar Shift

Some historians believe April Fools’ Day began in 1582 with the shift from the Julian to the Gregorian calendar.

Vanishing Days

In 1582, ten days vanished from the calendar to align it with the solar year, causing confusion.

New Year’s Shift

The Julian Calendar marked the new year around April 1, but the Gregorian calendar moved it to January 1.

Late News

Those slow to learn about the new year’s shift became the butt of jokes and hoaxes, earning the title “April fools.”

Border Confusion

Travel across borders led to date confusion, as not all countries adopted the Gregorian calendar.

Festival Link

Some link April Fools’ Day to Hilaria, a Roman festival involving disguises, celebrated at March’s end.

Nature’s Prank

Others tie April Fools’ Day to the vernal equinox, when unpredictable spring weather “fools” people.

Apostrophe Absence

Originally, there was no apostrophe in “April fools day,” a term dating back to the 1600s.

Apostrophe Addition

By the 1800s, an apostrophized “April Fools’ Day” was recorded, referring to the trick itself.

Modern Stylisation

Today, it’s stylised as both “April Fool’s Day” and “April Fools’ Day,” referring to the fool or the pranks.