Are you moisturising correctly?

Apply moisturiser within five minutes of bathing to lock in moisture.

This creates a protective barrier that prevents evaporation and keeps the skin hydrated.

Use an upward motion when applying moisturiser to create a subtle lifting effect. Don’t rub or press too hard.

Creams are best applied by patting them gently into the skin.

Gel or water-based moisturisers should be applied in circular motions until completely absorbed.

It’s also important to use the correct quantity.

You can start with a pea-sized amount, adding more as per the requirement.

It's best to apply moisturiser both in the morning and at night, but if you have to choose, go with the latter.

Apply the moisturiser with sunscreen in the morning to protect from UV rays.

Extend the moisturiser beyond the face to the neck and chest.