Areca Palm  indoor care:  5 tips to keep your plant green and fresh

Areca palms are beautiful indoor palms that provide a sense of elegance to any environment.

The areca palm humidifies the air while also purifying it by removing toxins and pollutants.

Areca palms thrive in bright, indirect light, but may tolerate some shade.

Overexposure to direct sunlight causes the leaves of an areca palm to become yellow In this instance, it is best to position the palm tree a metre away from the window.

Areca palms require a humid atmosphere, so spritz the leaves with tepid water a few times each week or stand on a pebble tray filled with water.

Periodically wipe the leaves to get rid of dust. A simple cure is to place your plant under a lukewarm shower, or better yet, outside in the summer rain.

Water them frequently enough to keep the soil gently damp in the spring and summer, but let the soil dry somewhat between waterings in the autumn and winter.

Ideally, the areca palm should grow in organically rich, well-drained soil. In actuality, it can handle practically any sort of soil that drains properly and is somewhat acidic.

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