Astro Tips: 

Things to Keep in Mind While Removing Kalawa from Hand

Producer:  Mehak Pal Editor: Aparna Singh

There is great importance in tying the Kalawa on your hand in Sanatan Dharma and astrology. Here are a few things you need to keep in mind while removing Kalawa from your hand.

On which hand is it auspicious to tie Kalawa?

For tying the Kalawa on your hand, there are many separate rules for men and women in the scriptures. For unmarried women, they should always tie the Kalawa on their right hand while married ones should tie it on their left hand. 

Men are advised to tie the Kalawa in their right hand and along with this, take Akshat in the right hand and keep it in a clenched fist.

You should only wrap the Kalawa around your wrist thrice. There are two types of Kalawa available. One is Kalawa made with three threads and the other one is made with five threads which is considered to be auspicious.

Know when to open Kalawa

According to astrology and scriptures, some rules need to be followed while opening Kalawa from your hand. You must not take it off at any time and keep it just anywhere.

According to the scriptures, you should open the Kalawa on either Tuesday or Saturday as they are considered the most auspicious. You can take the old Kalawa off and tie a new one on your hand, on any of these days.

Method to remove Kalawa

Pray to all the Gods and Goddesses and seek their forgiveness and blessings while taking off the Kalawa. You can either keep the old Kalawa under the Peepal tree or let it flow in a holy river.