Supermoon will Impact Your Zodiac Sign

Producer: Nibandh Vinod

What is Supermoon?

A Supermoon occurs when the full moon's orbit brings it in the closest proximity to the Earth, known as perigee. 

Supermoon Date

On 1 August, 2023 the moon will be only 357,530-km from the Earth's surface. It will appears larger and brighter than usual, casting an ethereal glow  upon Earth. 

Visible in India?

Sky gazers in India will be able to watch the supermoon peak at 12.02 am on August 2.

Next Supermoon

The second supermoon of the month will take place on August 31, but it may not be visible in India as it will peak at 7.05 am.

Impact On  Zodiac Signs

The August 2023 supermoon will be in the Aquarius zodiac sign, which is associated with humanitarianism, innovation, and unconventional thinking. 


This full moon will help to release old patterns and behaviours that are no longer serving you. You may also feel called to take on a leadership role in your community.


This full moon will highlight your career and public life. You may be feeling ambitious and ready to take on new challenges.


You may be feeling more connected to your friends and family, or you may be ready to let go of some unhealthy relationships.


This full moon will bring your attention to your home and family life. 


You may be feeling inspired to create something new, or you may be ready to share your talents with the world.


This full moon will focus on your work and health. You may be paying more attention to your physical and mental well-being.


You may be feeling more open to new relationships, or you may be ready to deepen your existing ones.


This full moon will focus on your subconscious mind and emotional life.


You may be feeling more connected to your higher purpose, or you may be exploring new spiritual practices.


You may be feeling ambitious and ready to take on new challenges, or you may be feeling more grounded and stable in your career.


This is a time for you to celebrate your individuality and uniqueness, and to use your gifts to help others.


You may be feeling more connected to your intuition, or you may be dealing with some emotional issues.