Ayurvedic home remedies to cure sore throat, cold & cough

Moneycontrol News | January 19, 2024 | Images: Canva

Turmeric and honey elixir: Create a soothing elixir by mixing a teaspoon of turmeric powder with a tablespoon of raw honey. This combination alleviates throat irritation and reduces cough. Consume this mixture twice a day

Ginger infusion: Prepare ginger tea by boiling fresh ginger slices in water. Add a dash of honey and a squeeze of lemon for taste. This concoction not only provides relief from congestion but also boosts the immune system

Steam therapy with eucalyptus oil: Add a few drops of eucalyptus oil to hot water and inhale the vapours. It helps decongest nasal passages and soothes irritated airways. Ensure to keep your eyes closed to prevent irritation

Holy basil decoction: Boil a few fresh tulsi leaves in water to create a herbal decoction. It relieves cold symptoms and also acts as an immune booster. Have this decoction regularly to strengthen your body's resistance to infections

Ayurvedic nasal drops: Anu Taila, a traditional Ayurvedic nasal oil, can be applied daily to lubricate and protect the nasal passages. This practice not only helps in relieving nasal congestion but also supports overall respiratory health

Trikatu churna: A blend of equal parts black pepper, long pepper, and ginger, including this spice mix in your diet can aid digestion and eliminate toxins, preventing the accumulation of phlegm in the respiratory tract