Be the perfect roommate with these 9 tips

Get to know each other When you are sharing quarters it can be an exciting as well as a daunting experience. It’s probably the quickest way to learn all about someone’s best and worst habits.

Get to know your roommate's schedule Both your schedules may clash or be poles apart. Some days you may need to be up early, while they get to sleep in, and vice-versa. The most important part of being a good roommate is to be respectful of each other’s needs. 

Learn to resolve conflicts peacefully Conflict is common when you are sharing closed quarters with another person. But both of you must learn to resolve the dispute in a peaceful manner.

Give each other space It can become easy to share all your time with the other person when you are sharing a living space with them. It is better to give each other space and not spend the whole time with one another.

Be mindful of noise You might be in the zone for some upbeat music but your roommate may crave some peaceful time. Be mindful and grab those earphones so you do not disturb them. 

Be responsible Build a system where both of you know your responsibilities. This way there will be more clarity on who has to do what.

Find your chill They might do some things that annoy you. It is important to keep your calm and let it slide, rather than confront them on every small issue.

Set boundaries When you are sharing close quarters with another person it is important to set boundaries. It helps to make living with them more comfortable.

Speak up If something bothers you consistently, maybe you should address it. It is important to speak your mind and make things right before they go out of hand.

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