Believe It Or Not: These 9 weird allergies exist

Can someone be allergic to something as essential as water? Yes, some individuals experience allergic reactions upon contact with water, known as aquagenic urticaria, which causes itching and hives.


You may be allergic to exercise if you have fatigue, itching, trouble breathing or swallowing, nausea and vomiting after exercising, or if you break out in itchy, red welts or hives.


Prolonged periods of sun exposure can result into solar Urticaria for some. It is an allergic reaction causing hives, stinging, and itching sensations on the skin.


God save the person who is allergic to money. Actually, money, particularly coins, contain nickel sulphate, which causes skin rashes in people who are allergic to the chemical.


When people come in close contact with things that emit electromagnetic pulses, they experience headaches, unpleasant rashes, and a runny nose.

Cars, mobile phones, microwave

Even a light touch can raise lines and cause the skin to swell for people with dermatographia, the condition of hypersensitivity to pressure and touch.

Being touched

People with dust allergies can have major problems in places like used bookshops and libraries because of their musty sweet fragrance.


Pemphigoid gestationis is a painful skin allergy that occurs during pregnancy. This autoimmune condition causes itchy lumps and blisters on the abdomen, which can spread to the rest of the body.

Your own child

While some find peace walking on the grass, it can attract itchy eyes and throat, sneezing and a runny nose for others.
