Tips To Get Rid Of Water Weight

Salty and sugary foods can trigger thirst and fluid intake without increasing urine volume.

Decrease Salt, Sugar Consumption

To prevent it, focus on consuming fresh vegetables and unsalted nuts.

Getting enough sleep can help control stress hormones.

Enhance Sleep Duration

Poor sleep is linked to unhealthy food cravings. It can cause water retention.

Excess caffeine causes dehydration.

Reduce Caffeine Intake

Drink less coffee and limit the consumption of caffeine-infused energy drinks, teas and chocolate.

Moderate exercise can help shift and regulate fluid in our body.

Maintain Regular Exercise

Exercising, in the long run, helps to reduce water weight gain from a sedentary lifestyle.

Excess carbs get stored as glycogen molecules, which hold onto water in our bodies.

Limit Carbohydrate Intake

Try switching to healthier carb sources like pulses, fresh fruits and vegetables.