Health benefits of doing Surya Namaskar daily

Moneycontrol News | October 17, 2023 | Images: Canva

It's a full-body workout for all muscle groups. Regular practice of these asanas stretches and tones your muscles, and improves flexibility. It helps alleviate stiffness, prevent injuries, and enhance your overall range of motion

The controlled breathing and rhythmic movements promote mindfulness, calms the mind and reduces stress levels. It is an excellent tool to combat anxiety, so that you find a sense of inner peace

The forward and backward bends gently massage the abdominal organs, aid digestion and promotes a healthy gut. It can alleviate issues such as constipation and indigestion, helping you maintain a balanced digestive system

Surya Namaskar is a dynamic form of exercise that burns calories and aids in weight management. One round of Sun Salutation can burn up to 13.90 calories, making it an effective addition to your weight loss routine

It is an excellent cardiovascular exercise. The combination of postures, deep breathing, and flowing movements increases blood circulation, strengthens the heart, and regulates blood pressure, to reduce the risk of heart diseases

The series of asanas work to correct and strengthen the muscles responsible for maintaining good posture. Over time, this leads to better alignment of the spine, reducing the risk of back and neck pain associated with poor posture

Surya Namaskar is not just a physical exercise; it's a holistic practice that revitalises the body and mind. Regular practice can boost your energy levels. It's an ideal way to kickstart your day, setting a positive tone for the hours ahead