Producer: Mehak Pal Editor: Nisha Dubey

Best And Worst Dairy Products For Heart Patients



It is crucial to be mindful of dairy product consumption if you are a heart patient.



 Here are some best and worst dairy products for heart patients.



Best dairy options for heart patients



Low-fat or skimmed milk It offers essential nutrients with reduced satuarated fat content.



Low-fat yoghurt It is a favourable option to mitigate saturated fat and calorie intake.



Low-fat cheese Low-fat cheese, such as cottage cheese or part-skim mozzarella can provide dairy benefits with moderated saturated fat content.



Greek yoghurt It is known for its elevated protein and reduced carbohydrate content compared to regular yoghurt.



Worst dairy products for heart patients



Full-fat milk Full-fat milk and yoghurt variants contain saturated fat and cholesterol content.



 Cream cheese or cheddar Cream cheese, cheddar, or Swiss are rich in saturated fat that can harm your heart health.