8 best brain exercises to boost memory, sharpen focus

Moneycontrol News | July 17, 2024

Brain exercises are crucial for enhancing memory and focus. Regular mental stimulation can improve short-term memory and focus by keeping the brain active and engaged. It also helps in delaying age-related cognitive decline and reducing the risk of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's

Image: Canva


How to do it: Sit or stand. Cross your right ankle over your left. Stretch your arms in front, crossing them so that your right wrist rests on top of your left. Clasp your hands, bend your elbows, and bring your hands up to rest on your chest

Benefits: Reduces stress, improves concentration, and facilitates  calm thinking

Image: Canva

Lazy eights

How to do it: Draw an infinity symbol (a sideways figure eight) in the air with your finger, following it with your eyes without moving your head

Benefits: Enhances hand-eye coordination and visual tracking, boosting reading and writing skills

Image: Canva

Brain buttons

How to do it: Place one hand on your  navel. With the thumb and fingers of  your other hand, press the indentations just below your collarbone. Rub these points gently for about 30 seconds  while breathing deeply

Benefits: Stimulates blood flow to the brain, enhancing focus and memory recall

Image: Canva

Double doodle

How to do it: Hold a pen in each hand.  On a piece of paper, draw with both hands simultaneously, creating mirror images or symmetrical patterns

Benefits: Encourages bilateral  coordination and stimulates both hemispheres of the brain

Image: Canva

Alphabet backwards

How to do it: Recite the alphabet in reverse order, starting from Z and going back to A

Benefits: Challenges your brain, improving working memory and cognitive flexibility

Image: Canva

Memory games

How to do it: Play games that require memory, such as matching pairs of cards, Sudoku, or crossword puzzles

Benefits: Strengthens short-term memory, attention, and problem-solving skills

Image: Canva

Mindful breathing

How to do it: Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Focus on your breath, inhaling deeply through your nose and exhaling slowly through your mouth. Count each breath up to 10, then start over

Benefits: Reduces stress, improves  focus, and enhances cognitive  clarity and memory

Image: Canva