Moneycontrol News | February 13, 2024 | Images: Canva

Best dental habits: Brush, floss, clean your tongue daily

Poor oral health is not only about  cavities and yellowing teeth. It can  lead to cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and even respiratory issues

Brush twice everyday: It not only combats plaque but also prevents gum disease. Regular brushing reduces the accumulation of harmful bacteria

Floss every day: Flossing reaches areas where brushes can't reach. It prevents gum diseases by removing plaque  and debris from interdental spaces

Use mouthwash: It helps kill bacteria  that contribute to cavities and gingivitis. Choose a mouthwash with fluoride  to guard against tooth decay

Clean your tongue: Gently scraping  your tongue with a tongue cleaner not only freshens your breath but also contributes to your oral hygiene

Go for dental check-ups: Dental checkups are not  only  for addressing existing issues; they play a vital role  in preventive care