10 surprising  health benefits of climbing stairs daily

Moneycontrol News | August 20, 2024

Image: Canva

Recent studies suggest that  climbing stairs is one of the best, but overlooked activity that holds the key to unlocking better health and fitness

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Better health and fitness

Image: Canva

Regularly using stairs engages multiple muscle groups, activating all major leg muscles whether ascending or descending

Engages multiple muscle groups

Image: Canva

Even short bouts of stair climbing -  less than 10 minutes - can yield  significant health benefits

You don't need to exercise for long

Image: Canva

With each step taken, the body engages multiple muscle groups, burning calories and melting excess fat. This helps in weight loss and a leaner, toned physique


Image: Canva

The dynamic nature of stair climbing is good for coordination and proprioception, promoting balance and reducing the risk of falls, especially in older adults


Image: Canva

Regular stair climbing helps lower BP, a key factor in reducing risk of heart diseases such as heart attack and stroke

Blood pressure:

Image: Canva

Stair climbing is a good cardio workout, enhancing heart and lung health while improving your endurance and stamina

Cardiorespiratory fitness:

Image: Canva

Stair climbing has a positive impact on lipid profiles, helping to raise HDL (good) cholesterol levels and lower LDL (bad) levels, reducing the risk of heart disease

Cholesterol levels:

Image: Canva

Engaging in physical activities like stair climbing can improve glucose metabolism and insulin sensitivity, potentially lowering the risk of type 2 diabetes

Glucose levels: