10 foods to boost productivity at work

Moneycontrol News | September 03, 2024

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The presence of dopamine, a feel-good brain chemical, makes bananas  an excellent choice for enhancing  mood and endurance

Foods that boost productivity: BANANAS

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It stimulates serotonin production, which can reduce feelings of fatigue and improve mood. Opt for dark chocolate with at least 70 percent cocoa solids

Foods that boost productivity: DARK CHOCOLATE

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Rich in omega-3 fatty acids and protein, fatty fish like salmon and mackerel are beneficial for reducing fatigue and improving exercise performance

Foods that boost productivity: FATTY FISH

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Green tea contains EGCG and  L-theanine, compounds known for  their fatigue-fighting and alertness-enhancing properties

Foods that boost productivity: GREEN TEA

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Leafy greens like spinach and kale contain B vitamins, iron, and magnesium, which play crucial roles in cellular energy metabolism and oxygen transport

Foods that boost productivity: LEAFY GREENS

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Nutrient-dense snacks like almonds, walnuts, and cashews provide sustained energy due to their fiber content and ability to stabilise blood sugar levels

Foods that boost productivity: NUTS

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Incorporating pumpkin seeds into your  diet helps prevent fatigue and supports optimal physical performance, especially during exercise

Foods that boost productivity: PUMPKIN SEEDS

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They stabilise blood sugar levels, prevent energy crashes, and provide essential nutrients like B vitamins and iron for optimal energy production

Foods that boost productivity: OATS

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Aim to drink 91 to 125 ounces of water  daily to support hydration and sustained energy throughout the day

Foods that boost productivity: WATER

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A South American beverage rich in antioxidants and caffeine, yerba mate provides a quick energy boost and enhances focus and concentration

Foods that boost productivity: Yerba Maté