Best indoor plants to purify air in your room

Moneycontrol News | March 30, 2024 | Images: Canva

Peace Lily: This popular houseplant  with unusual white flowers is regarded among the best houseplants that helps remove harsh chemicals and purify the air. It is believed Peace Lily absorbs airborne ‘toxins’ through their leaves

Aloe Vera: A common houseplant hailed for its health and beauty benefits, aloe vera is also known for its ability to purify the air off some common chemicals found in detergents, paint and glue. The plant releases oxygen and absorbing carbon dioxide in the night

Weeping Fig: Some study results suggest that the weeping fig helps purify the air from common ‘chemicals’ found in adhesives, nail polishes, glues and stain removers. This plant with long glossy leaves can be grown both indoors and outdoors

Boston Fern: One of the top air purifying indoor options, Boston Ferns help restore the moisture in the room and act as humidifiers.  This unique quality of these plants makes them the most sought-after and popular remedies to clean air in the house

Spider Plant: One of the biggest advantages of the spider plant is that they are extremely easy to grow. Add to it the fact that this houseplant is very adept in removing carbon dioxide from the air, and release oxygen

Dracaena: Keep in mind that these popular houseplants can grow very tall, quickly. So ensure that you've factored in enough space for it to grow. Apart from looking good inside your room, dracaena is also good at cleaning the air, especially newly-furnished rooms

Bamboo Palm: Like dracaena, the bamboo palm too can grow big. Given its size, this houseplant tops many indoor plants list because of its ability to purify the air from certain chemicals associated with paints  and new carpets

English Ivy: This beautiful plant is good for  the washrooms as it helps reduce airborne fecal matter, which can be harmful if left untreated and can spread diseases

Snake Plant: This is another plant which  gives off oxygen in the night while you are sleeping. Also called the Mother-in-Law's Tongue, these plants can remove a variety of air pollutants, including carbon dioxide